I will put something interesting here

Month: July 2020

The first chapter of “Image of You”

The wedding photo sat easily in its silver frame. It once had pride of position on the table. A table that was now filled with the scattered toys of Serene’s two children. Rushing back to the kitchen to finish baking her firstborn’s birthday cake, the photo caught her eye. Serene picked up the photo frame tenderly with her flour dusted fingers. It has been years since she last considered the photo. He always knew how to capture her at her best. She looked resplendent in her wedding dress with her husband by her side. Philip was dashing in his wedding tuxedo. She smiled happily into the camera. Her eyes on the photographer. Her thoughts wandered back to what could have been, but she was brought swiftly back to reality by the screams of her two children. Her baby had woken up again. She placed the photo frame carefully back on the table. A flour dusted fingerprint marked its surface. The only evidence of the moment that she had stolen for herself. Motherhood leaves little time for nostalgia.

Faded Tattoos

Faded tattoos wrinkled skin

gleaming watch marking time

Time marked by amulets

on frayed discolored strings

Mullet hair 

Past present glory

Do they know who I am?

My deeds my actions make 

My story

Bus stopping Brakes lurching

Heart beating yet another day

Life seeping

Faded tattoos past glory

Where is my time machine?